Command & Conquer Generals Cheats (PC)

Perfect Base Defence :
First something not everybody knows about the patriots if you place them close enoughwhen say an enemy raptor flies over your base the patroitthat sees it will obvously start shooting at it AND send the info on where the plane is to the other patroits so they can shoot it down while your enemy is sending his/her raptors on suicide missions you can build your base

Kill stinger sites :
When you are the U.S.A, create about 2 sniper soldiers for each stinger site the enemy has. Place your snipers to attack the stinger site. Dont get too close or they will attack. The sniper shoots and kills the rocket soldiers in the stinger site. Make sure your sniper men do not move, the rocket soldiers respawn. At this time, move any air force facilities and tanks in to take them out.

Attack allies and own troops :
hold ctrl and then left click on who you want to kill the will start shooting at where you clicked.

Unstopable strike force :
first get 5 humvees and fill them with missle 3 defenders and 2 pathfinders if you want you could make more but less then 10 !!!!!!!!!!!!

Easily selecting units :
When you have many units of soldiers or vehicles, first select all the units. Then, press [Ctrl] and a number (0 to 9) to find the selected unit.

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