The Sims 2 Cheats (PC)

[B]~How to Exit~[/B]
do all your little cheat things and when your done type "exit" and then press enter and your box will dissappear.

Get your Sim to walk
Select a sim and then click somewhere on the ground and options will come up.Click on Go here and your sim will begin to walk there.You can also make them skip or run.

Money Cheat
hold ctrl, shift + c and type motherlode and you get 50,000 simoeleons

Money Money
type kaching to gte 1000

Drowning a sim
If you want a sim to die..usually they will die quicker in a pool then starving put in a pool and tell the person you want to die in it take everything they can use to get out, out...then after some sim hours they should drown to death!

Get 50 000

Want 2 c a sim die..?
make the sim who u want 2 die go into a room. when the sim looks like it is just about 2 do something pause and go 2 build mode. if the door is closed, then delete it. if the door is open try again. the sim will not be able 2 get out and will starve 2 death. i know it's mean... but it's fun! ! !

Enter motherlode only 1 time
when you type motherlode and you want to type it again, just press the up arrow key and you will see the motherlode that you just type before. And you can get richer more faster

Move Any Objects
Hold down ctrl,shift,c and type Move_Objects ON

Alien skin
type in while your in the neighborhood boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true (capitals and spacing does matter)enter this two times then go 2 create a sim and then press shift+n if u have done it right it will give u a note up in the top right coner.

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